While the holidays may look a little different this year, the team at MBK celebrated in full-holiday spirit!
Holiday Fashion
On Friday, team members at MBK made $5 donations for the privilege to wear holiday attire. Donations benefited the Westfield Boys and YMCA!
Virtual Secret Santa
Led by Fran Murphy, MBK participated in our first virtual Secret Santa via Elfster. Participating members were assigned a Secret Santa who selected the perfect gift and had to find a fun way of delivering the gift. People posted thank-you notes along with pics of their gifts so everyone could share their thanks!
Festival of the Trees
MBK was honored to keep the annual tradition and donated a decorated tree to the Festival of Trees. MBK’s tree was decked out with a “Kids Quarantine” theme and featured items such as books, crayons, play-dough. games, blankets, soaps, gingerbread house kids, and other great activities to enjoy from home. The Festival of Trees is sponsored by the Boys and Girls Club.
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