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Building Dreams: MBK builds 10 beds for "A Bed for Every Child"

June 14, 2024

On Friday, June 14th, the firm took the initiative to close early and contribute to an important cause: building 10 beds for children in need. Despite the forecast of rain and thunderstorms, MBK set up camp beneath the building to ensure the project could proceed without any interruptions.

The team, led by Chelsea, included Dan, Taylor, Sam, Olivia, Katrina, Fran, Karen, Sarah Rose, Mia, Caitie, Lauren, Tyler, Regina, Chris, Justin, Nick, and Jeff. Their collective effort and teamwork were crucial in assembling the beds, embodying the firm's spirit of community service.

A Bed for Every Child is the organization behind this meaningful initiative. They operate under the belief that sleep is as vital as food, water, shelter, and clothing, and that every child deserves a safe space to dream. Since its inception in 2012, A Bed for Every Child, which is an initiative of the Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless, has been dedicated to ending homelessness through proactive community engagement.

Some stats over the past year of sleeping arrangements of the children that have been provided a bed:

  • 431 Children were sharing a bed with a sibling. 
  • 378 Children were sleeping with their parents/caretakers.  
  • 489 Toddlers needed a bed to transition into.
  • 213 Children were sleeping on a couch night after night.
  • 172 Children were sleeping on the floor without a mattress.
  • 122 Children were sleeping on an air mattress.
  • 61 Children were sleeping on a broken mattress. 
  • 58 Children were experiencing bed bugs and their mattresses had to be disposed of.

By partnering with businesses, schools, and community organizations, A Bed for Every Child facilitates hands-on team-building activities to construct beds for children in need. The event was a resounding success, demonstrating how collective efforts can make a significant difference in the lives of those less fortunate. Our firm is proud to have played a part in this initiative and looks forward to more opportunities to give back to the community.

To learn more about A Bed for Every Child, visit their website:

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